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What Is Disc and Why Is a Disc Test Important

Writer: discpartnersdiscpartners

Disc is a personality assessment that is extensively used these days. Being based on William Martson’s Disc theory about personality, this assessment is based on four personality traits that are then utilized to create Disc profiles.

Disc stands for the four personality traits that are tested in these assessments. D stands for Dominance or Drive, I for Influence or Inducement, S for Submission or Steadiness, and C for Compliance, Caution or Conscientiousness.

Employers using Disc management tools, like Disc work of Leaders have reported positive results from Disc training and certification. Disc training includes data on how to read the scores of the Disc test.

People who have a high D score in the Disc personality test are always active, and deal properly with the challenges and issues. Those that score low on D are generally the type that like to research well before harnessing an issue or making a decision.

People that score high for the”I” factor are emotional and expert in convincing others through their speech. They can be described as magnetic, enthusiastic, convincing, political, warm, reliable, persuasive, optimistic and demonstrative. Those that score low on this factor are less emotional and carried away only by data and facts.

People that score well for the “S” factor prefer routine and a steady speed, and don’t welcome change. Those that score low for this factor are more welcoming to change and variety and displays the characteristics of a cohesive team member.

People that do well for the C factor are people that adhere to the rules. They love doing work. Those that score low on the C factor like their independence and have a tendency to break the rules.

These Disc profiles are quite beneficial when one uses a Disc workplace questionnaire as it can be used to recognize different kinds of personality types in the work ambiance. With the growing popularity of the Disc tests, so are the Disc sales.


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